CMYKTool 0.1.6-pre1


There aren't many user-visible changes to this first development release of 0.1.6, but I wanted to get the headline new feature out there for testing purposes.

  • CMYKTool is now capable of preserving clipping paths in TIFF images.  (It does this by preserving the entire Photoshop Image Resource Block, if found).  The Image Resource Block can be loaded from JPEG images, too, but not yet saved in jPEGs.
  • There are some major under-the-hood changes to resource tracking and allocation, which will hopefully improve stability in the long run, but for now may have the opposite effect, so be warned!

DownloadSource code - .tar.gz

DownloadWindows Binary - .zip

Please note: the Windows build requires an existing GTK+ installation - the easiest way to get this is to install either Inkscape or GIMP version 2.6 or earlier.